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Research interests

I am a volcanologist with interests in submarine eruptions and magmatic volatile behavior from source to eruption. Integrating results from mapping (+visual observations), deposit stratigraphy, grain size and shape analysis, along with petrology, geochemistry, modelling, and physical experiments I aim to investigate various aspects of submarine eruptions, and the influence of both magmatic and environmental factors.  


My current research aims to understand: 

  1. How the ambient water influences eruption processes during subaqueous volcanism

  2. What influence external water has on magma fragmentation  

  3. How the shape and surface features of volcanic ash particles relate to their formation mechanism

  4. How particles are dispersed in plumes above various styles of subaqueous volcanism

  5. The influence volatiles have on magma genesis and evolution

The influence of volatiles on magmatism in the Okinawa Trough and Ryukyu Arc

Volatiles in an incipient continental rift

Current projects

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