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2012 Havre eruption

Havre Volcano is a submerged seamount with a post-2012 summit ~700 meter below sea level located along the Kermadec arc between New Zealand and Tonga. Havre is truncated at 900 mbsl by a large oval shaped caldera four by six km in size that is ~600 m deep.


On 18 to 19th July 2012 an eruption ≤21.5 hr long at Havre Volcano from a depth of ~900 mbsl produced a large pumice raft, a sea-surface hot spot, and plume of discolored water, along with an atmospheric vapor plume. Comparison of pre- and post-eruption bathymetry revealed large scale changes to the seafloor. A multinational cruise in 2015 used an ROV and AUV in tandem to conducted detailed bathymetric mapping and sampling of the seafloor deposits from the 2012 Havre eruption. ROV dives showed that seafloor changes resulted from the emplacement of 15 rhyolite domes and lavas. In addition, three distinctive clastic units were deposited across Havre caldera. The lowest of these is called the Giant Pumice unit, composed of pumice blocks >1m in diameter that form a cone with the point around the inferred vent in the SE and extending across the caldera to the NW. Surrounding the inferred vent of the Giant Pumice unit is a second unit termed the Ash, Lapilli, and Block unit, forming several lobes extending away from the vent and burying the Giant Pumice unit. The final unit is called the Ash with Lapilli unit (AL unit) composed of four sublayers and is dominantly made up of fine ash. In terms of volume of magma produced the 2012 Havre eruption is roughly comparable with the 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens. This is the first and only time a deep subaqueous (>500 mbsl) eruption of this size has been ‘observed’ and sampled rapidly following the event, making Havre ideal for the study of large-scale submarine silicic eruptions processes.

The project described here focused on the AL unit conducting stratigraphic, grain-size distribution, componentry, ash shape, microtextural, major-element chemistry, and groundmass volatile analyses on seafloor samples collected from around the Havre caldera. The aim of the project is to examine the effect of the water column on processes associated with ash generation during magma fragmentation, and particle dispersal in deep sea eruptions.


Papers associated with this project that have been published:


Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L., Carey, R.J., 2019. Characteristics and Deposit Stratigraphy of Submarine-Erupted Silicic Ash, Havre Volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. Front. Earth Sci. 7, 1–21.


  • Examined the stratigraphy of the AL unit, and presented distribution, grain size, componentry, and grain morphology results from each layer identified.

  • An eruption model was presented based on evidence collected from the AL unit


Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L., and Carey, R., 2019. Unusual fluidal behavior of a silicic magma during fragmentation in a deep subaqueous eruption, Havre Volcano. Geology 47, 487–490.


  • Examined an unusual set of ash grains discovered at in the 2012 Havre deposit that displayed highly fluidal morphologies suggestive of low viscosities not associated with the rhyolitic magma erupted at Havre

  • Presented interpretations of eruption and fragmentation processes implied by the presence of these fluidal particles


Further areas of investigation (unspecified timescale)

  • Dispersal processes of particles

  • Implications of volatile groundmass analyses in ash

  • Further investigation of fluidal ash

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