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Journal Publications

Murch, A.P. and Cole, P.D., 2019. Using microlites to gain insights into ascent conditions of differing styles of volcanism at Soufrière Hills Volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.



Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L., and Carey, R., 2019. Unusual fluidal behavior of a silicic magma during fragmentation in a deep subaqueous eruption, Havre Volcano. Geology 47, 487–490.



Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L., and Carey, R., 2019. Characteristics and deposit stratigraphy of submarine-erupted silicic ash, Havre volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand. Frontiers in Earth Science. 7.



Dürig, T. Bowman, H.M., White, J.D.L, Murch, A.P., Mele, D., Verolino, A. and Dellino, P., 2018.  PARTIcle Shape ANalyzer PARTISAN – an open source program for multi-standard two-dimensional particle morphometry analysis. Annals of Geophysics. 61.



Carey, R., Soule, S.A., Manga, M., White, J., Mcphie, J., Wysoczanski, R., Jutzeler, M., Tani, K., Fornari, D., Caratori-Tontini, F., Houghton, B., Mitchell, S., Ikegami, F., Conway, C., Murch, A., Fauria, K., Jones, M., Cahalan, R., McKenzie, W., 2018. The largest deep ocean silicic volcanic eruption of the past century. Sci. Adv. 4, 1–7. e1701121.



Selected conference Presentations

Murch, A.P., Portner, R.A., Rubin, K.H., and Clague. D.A., Explosive and implosive fragmentation during the 2009 eruption of West Mata. Oral presentation to be delivered at the AGU 2019 General Assembly, San Francisco, December 2019.


Murch, A.P., Dürig, T., White, J.D.L. and Nichols, A.R.L. Ash generation in the 2012 deep subaqueous Havre eruption: implications from particle water content and quench pressure. Oral presentation delivered at the EGU 2019 General Assembly, Vienna, April 2019.


Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L., Carey R.J., Zimanowski, B. and Büttner, R. Generation and deposition of fine ash produced in a deep subaqueous eruption, Havre Seamount. Oral presentation delivered at the IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Portland, USA, August 2017.


Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L. and Carey R.J. Generation of Fine ash in a Deep Subaqueous Eruption. Poster presentation delivered at the 4th VERTIGO Workshop, Azores, Portugal, May, 2017.


Murch, A.P., White, J.D.L. and Carey R.J. Ash Generation During a Major Silicic Deep Marine Eruption. Oral presentation delivered at the AGU Chapman Conference on Submarine Volcanism, Hobart, Australia, January 2017.

As of Jan 2020

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